
What is the IVF success rate in India?


Dr. Smriti

Jul 06, 2021

Depending on many factors, the IVF success rate in India is nearly 30% to 35%, whereas globally the IVF Success rate is 40% in young women. For women who are younger than 35, the chances of success rate also increase. Usually, people facing infertility issue in their married life gets into a situation where they think whether they should go for IVF procedure? Will it work for them or not? This is because IVF is an expensive and time taking process.


IVF is a process where eggs and sperm are retrieved and fertilized outside the body in the lab. It is a fertilization treatment for couples, single parents, and also for couples of the same gender who wish to have a baby. It is a long procedure of 6-8 weeks wherein the person first needs to get mentally and physically prepared besides the following medication for egg maturation, later extraction of eggs and then fertilizing it with sperm in a laboratory, and lastly implanting the embryo back in the womb. 

These days, most of the clinics opt for the “freeze all” technique, where the embryos that are developed after IVF or ICSI are frozen and not the eggs. Now with the use of the latest reproductive techniques, the success rate of IVF has considerably increased in India. 

IVF success rate in India by age

One of the major factors that affect the success rate of IVF procedures is the “Age” of the woman undergoing IVF treatment. Age plays a vital role in women’s pregnancies no matter it’s a natural pregnancy or an artificial pregnancy treatment. Similarly, it plays a major role in IVF treatment as well. Well, it is mostly seen that women of the lower age group usually have a higher IVF success rate compared to women of the older age group. 

IVF success rates of women under 35

Often it is seen that women under 35 and especially in the ’20s have a higher success rate as it is the period when they are most fertile. Women who are not having any identified fertility issues are more likely to have a 20% success rate but on the other hand, women having any kind of infertility issues such as less number of eggs, partner infertility, and genetic disease, and so on then, the success rate depends on as per the research of CDC – The Centers for Disease Control. Some of the pointers are below:

  • The success rate of IVF is higher in women under the age of 35 compared to women who are above 35.
  • If a woman had never conceived prior and is below 35 then the success rate would be 32% in such cases.
  • If a woman had a child before then the success rate becomes 37% for the IVF cycle to work thus resulting in successful pregnancy under the age of 35.
  • For women who are in their 20’s their chances for IVF cycle to work is 34 percent. 

Although the numbers seem to be low, it is also said that women who are in their 20’s are likely to have successful IVF procedures. So IVF success rate under 35 is more compared to the above 35 years.

IVF success rates over 40

In earlier generations, it was not possible to have babies in the ’40s or above. Now with the advancement in technologies and numerous other innovations such as assisted reproductive technology (ART), now it is possible for women in their 40’s or above to conceive and enjoy motherhood even if they are close to menopause. 

According to the research conducted by the Centers for Disease control also known as CDC and the Society for assisted reproductive technology also known as (SART) says that when fresh embryos are used for IVF treatment then success rate over 40 are as follows:

  • For 40 years old women the IVF success rate is 20 percent and if going for live birth it reduces to 14 percent.
  • For women of 41 years, the IVF success rate is 15 percent and for live birth, it is 10 percent.
  • For women of 42 years, 12 percent is IVF success rate and 7 percent for live birth.
  • For women of 43 years, the IVF success rate decreases to 8 percent, and the chances of healthy delivery are only 3 percent.
  • Lastly, it is said that women of 45 or above have only 3 percent chances of successful IVF and only 1 percent chances of live birth.

If at the age of 40 you want to undergo just one round of IVF then the success rate is only 8 percent. Thus, it is recommended that you should at least try for two rounds. 

IVF success rate in India

In terms of the medicine and technology field India has been greatly developing. Now it has been years that IVF treatment came in India and was accepted by couples who were facing infertility issues. The success rate of IVF as discussed depends on many factors such as age, cause of infertility, lifestyle, and most importantly the embryo. The success rate of IVF in India is nearly 30-35 percent that is calculated by Obstetrics and Gynaecology department. 

How to optimize your chances of IVF success

In India success rate of IVF varies between 30 to 35 percent. This indicates that many couples don’t succeed on the first go thus they need to opt for a second IVF cycle soon after. For most couples the IVF journey can be trying, expensive, and emotionally draining. 

Now that you know an expert is handling your case and you are doing your best to optimize the chances of success, then it makes all the difference.

Here are few points to consider optimizing your chances of IVF success:

Maintain your body weight

For enhancing the chances of IVF success it is essential to maintain a healthy body weight. As per research being obese or underweight can increase your number of the trial prior getting successful pregnancy. It is seen that being overweight or underweight negatively impacts the success rate of IVF. So prior going for IVF treatment consult a dietician or nutritionist to monitor your BMI to achieve a higher success rate.

Improve your lifestyle

Gaining good physiological and psychological health can have a positive impact on your IVF cycle. On the other hand, if you continue to smoke or consume alcohol it makes reduce your IVF success chances. As per research, it is seen that exercising increases the success rate of IVF so eat healthy foods and do regular exercise before going for IVF. 

Find the right IVF specialist and clinic

It is advised to choose the right doctor and clinic for IVF. It is suggested to pick one with a higher rate of success, hand-on experience, and a positive reputation. Choosing the right clinic is equally imperative as available technology and lab apparatus matter a lot for successful IVF. 

Regularly take health supplements

It is imperative to take multi-vitamins regularly. Intake of health supplements like iron, calcium, and folate has a positive impact on IVF success rate. You should talk to your IVF expert regarding the dosage and tests to understand the correct level of essential minerals and vitamins required by your body. 

Choose the right technique

Your IVF expert offers several techniques and choosing the correct one make all the difference in your life. So you need to check some of the best techniques that would increase the success rate of IVF.

These are some of the points to consider while going for IVF to enhance the success rate.

How long does IVF take? 

IVF process and its timeline can be different for every individual as no two cases are similar thus, require a special approach. IVF involves numerous steps as ovarian stimulation, sperm retrieval, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer. In vitro Fertilization also known as IVF process lasts between 2 to 6 weeks. 

Do’s and Don’ts while opting for IVF

Now that it’s the perfect time to start your IVF journey and become parents. Well, there are few dos and don’ts to follow for successful IVF:

  • Can one have intercourse during an IVF cycle?

It is completely safe to have intercourse during ovarian stimulation. Often there comes a point during IVF cycle when having intercourse becomes uncomfortable this is because your ovaries are growing and becoming larger, thus sometimes it may feel uncomfortable. Well, sometimes it is said that after embryo transfer you should refrain from intercourse till the pregnancy test. 

  • Can you exercise during IVF?

Exercise is always good for health. It enhances your overall health. During IVF light exercises like walking and yoga is recommended. One exercise that is refraining during this period is Crossfit or High-Intensity training. 

  • Is there any specific diet that one should follow?

There are a lot of patients who ask about diet that they should follow during IVF. So the answer is moderation of everything is fine. For better specification, you can consult your care team and follow them.

  • Can one have alcohol during IVF?

You should not drink while having IVF this is because you should be pregnant during the process so it is better to avoid drinking during this process.

  • Can I travel during IVF?

When opting for IVF certain travel is fine but long trips are not allowed. So you can plan a short weekend getaway. Still, there are places there that need to be avoided for travel so prior to making any plans consult your doctor and take advice.

  • Are the chances of having twins or triplets increases in the case of IVF?

The answer is no as the process of IVF does not necessarily lead to the risk of multiple pregnancies. Well due to transfer of more than one embryo during IVF cycle is the reason for multiple pregnancies. IVF success rate in first attempt is 29.5 percent so you can discuss this with your consultant. 

How much does IVF cost?

On average, an IVF cycle costs anywhere between 2.5 lakhs to 4 lakhs. Some additional medicines and tests are required along with procedures such as Frozen Embryo Transfer and it can further escalate the cost. The highest success rate of IVF in India is 70% and more than 50000 couples got their bundle of joy through IVF. 


What is the success rate of IVF on the first try?

On an average for women who are less than 35 years of age the chances to get pregnant through IVF in first chance is 55 percent.

Is IVF 100% successful?

In women below the age of 35, the success rate of IVF is nearly 50%. With increasing age, the success rate goes down.

What is the best age for IVF?

Usually, IVF does not fix the age of your eggs so it is better to go for IVF early. For women in their 20’s and 30’s IVF is most successful. Once she enters her mid 30’s the success rates start decreasing. 

Can you get twins with IVF?

Twins can happen through In Vitro Fertilization when more than one embryo is implanted into the womb.   


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