
How to Get Pregnant With Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

Female Infertility

Dr. Smriti

Aug 05, 2021

No matter what, getting pregnant can be tough, but those struggling about how to get pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes may face a bit more challenging situation to overcome. Fallopian tubes are female reproductive organs connecting the ovaries and uterus. 

The fallopian tubes are two thin tubes present one on each side of the uterus, which is beneficial in leading the mature egg from the ovaries to the uterus. When there is an obstruction preventing the egg from traveling down the tube, it means the woman has a blocked fallopian tube. It is also known as tubal factor infertility. Blockage can occur on one or both the tubes causing infertility in women.

If a fallopian tube is blocked, the passage of sperm to eggs and the path back for a fertilized egg to travel to the uterus is blocked. Some of the common reasons for blockage in the fallopian tube are scar tissue, pelvic adhesions, and scar tissue.

It is essential for fallopian tubes to be open, free of scar tissue, and have no swelling to function properly. 

Symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes

Often blocked fallopian tubes don’t cause any symptoms. Most of the women don’t even know that they have blocked fallopian tubes until they try to conceive and face a problem. In some cases, blocked fallopian tubes may cause mild, regular pain on the left side of the abdomen. Usually this you will find in a type of blockage known as hydrosalpinx. In this condition, fluid is filled in the blocked tube and enlarges. 

Conditions leading to blocked fallopian tube has their own symptoms. For instance, endometriosis usually leads to very painful heavy periods and pelvic pain.

Causes of Blocked fallopian tubes

Usually, fallopian tubes are blocked due to scar tissue or pelvic adhesions. These can result due to several factors, including:

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease: This disease can lead to scarring or hydrosalpinx.
  • Certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Some sexually transmitted diseases like Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can lead to scarring and can cause pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Endometriosis: In the fallopian tubes endometrial tissues can be build-up which can lead to blockage. If endometrial tissue is formed outside of any other organ it can also cause adhesions blocking fallopian tubes.
  • Past ectopic pregnancy: This can lead to scar the fallopian tubes.
  • Past abdominal surgery: If in the past one had gone through fallopian tube surgery, it can lead to pelvic adhesions blocking the tubes. 
  • Fibroids: These unusual growths can block the fallopian tubes, especially when they attach to the uterus.

It is hard to prevent the cause of blockage in fallopian tubes but you can decrease the risk of STIs by using protection while intercourse. 

How to detect blocked fallopian tubes?

There are numerous ways to detect blocked fallopian tubes that are quite routine and would not take much recovery time afterward. 

The three minimally invasive procedures that are conducted to check for tubal swelling or obstructions include:

Hysterosonograms (HSN): It is a type of high-resolution ultrasound that is used with saline water, instead of dyes and X-rays. This process offers a clear visual representation of the uterus, that allows the specialist to see if any abnormalities are there within it. Well, getting a thorough look into the fallopian tube is somehow limited.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): An HSG provides you a more in-depth look into the fallopian tubes with the help of an iodine liquid filled into the uterus. This is contrasted by an X-ray that helps you to see how the liquid moves throughout your reproductive system.   

Altogether this is a quick process, that takes only 10 minutes and patients can return home in a short span of time. It can cause cramping and may be considered a secondary course of action for people who need further review of their Fallopian tubes.

Laparoscopy with Chromotubation: It is the most demanding procedure among the three, it is an inpatient procedure performed with general anesthesia. In this procedure two incisions are made, one for a fine telescope (laparoscopy) that is inserted into the abdomen, and another in the pubic region for a small probe that provides an obstructed view of the reproductive organs. 

Later when everything is placed properly, the chromotubation process (dye test) starts. In this process, the womb is filled with a light blue liquid. Now, if the fallopian tubes are open the dye will spill from the ends into the pelvic area, and if nothing comes out, and then there is a blockage in the fallopian tube. After this procedure, it approximately takes 1 week to recover.      

Treatment for blocked fallopian tubes

There are numerous options for treating blockage of Fallopian tubes. Depending on your condition the doctor may suggest the required treatments. Here are the treatment options available:

Laparoscopic Surgery: In some cases, laparoscopic surgery can help open the blocked tubes or to removing scar tissue. This treatment doesn’t work always. The success of this treatment depends on your age i.e. the younger the better, where the blockage is, how bad the blockage is, and the cause of the blockage. If only a few adhesions are between the tubes and ovaries, then the chances of conceiving after surgery are higher.

After the surgery, your risk of ectopic surgery is higher. So your doctor would closely monitor you if you get pregnant and would suggest to you what is best for you. 

In-vitro Fertilization: Prior to the invention of In vitro fertilization (IVF), if repair surgery didn’t work or was not an option then for women with blocked fallopian tubes conceiving was not possible. The invention of IVF made conceiving possible in such cases. 

In IVF treatment, fertility drugs are prescribed to stimulate the ovaries. Later, the eggs are retrieved from the ovaries through an ultrasound-guided needle through the vaginal wall. Now in the lab, these eggs are fertilized with the partner sperm or donor sperm. Hopefully, some of the eggs are fertilized and result in healthy embryos. One or two healthy embryos are chosen and implanted in the uterus. 

IVF completely avoids the fallopian tubes, so blockage doesn’t matter. As per the research, it is found that inflamed tubes can significantly decrease the success of IVF. If you have a hydrosalpinx, then your doctor may suggest the removal of the tube. Later, after recovery from surgery, IVF can be conducted.

Tubal Ligation Reversal: Tubal ligation surgery is known as a permanent form of birth control, commonly known as “getting your tubes tied”. There are several kinds of tubal ligation. The possibilities are like the surgeon would cut the tubes, clamping them, banding them, or placing specialized coils inside them. This procedure is done to block the fallopian tube so the sperm can’t reach the egg. 

Many women later regret having a tubal ligation. Even if this kind of birth control is known to be permanent, it can be reversed to many women. Surgical repair of tubal ligation is more successful compared to tubal surgery to repair disease-based blockage. 

So these are some of the treatment options available for blocked fallopian tubes.

Warm water for unblocking fallopian tubes

Usage of long-term boiling water can warm the tiny belly and activate the blood circulation from the abdominal area. It is quite beneficial for the transmission of blood and blood flow. It can ease the obstruction of the fallopian pipe and advertise the procedure and rehabilitation from the sickness.

Also, it is imperative to pay focus on the fact that long-term usage of warm water bags for tubal blockage is just ideal for women suffering from cold piping blocked from the bloodstream and not much successful for others. 

Complications of blocked fallopian tubes

One of the most common complications of blocked fallopian tubes is ectopic pregnancy. When a fallopian tube is partially blocked, an egg can get fertilized, but it might get stuck in the tube. It could result in ectopic pregnancy, which is a medical emergency. 

The surgery where a part of the fallopian tube is removed can also increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Thus, due to this risk doctors usually recommend IVF instead of surgery for women with blocked fallopian tubes who are otherwise healthy.   

Effect of blocked fallopian tubes on fertility

Blocked fallopian tubes are known to be a common cause of infertility. For fertilization sperm and egg meet in the fallopian tube. So a blocked tube can prevent them from meeting. When both the tubes are blocked it is quite difficult to conceive without treatment. Women are usually concerned about how to get pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes or whether they can conceive or not. However, If the tubes are partially blocked then there are potential chances to get pregnant. Well, the risk of an ectopic pregnancy is more. 

The reason is it is quite difficult for a fertilized egg to move through the blockage to the uterus. In such cases your doctor may recommend In vitro fertilization (IVF), depending on whether treatment is possible or not. 

If only one tube is blocked then the blockage won’t affect fertility. This is because an egg can travel through the unaffected fallopian tube. With the help of fertility drugs, the chances of ovulating on the open side are enhanced.  

Getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes

Blocked fallopian tubes are one of the common causes of infertility. If you are willing to conceive and not able to due to blocked fallopian tubes then you would be pleased to know that there are two ways on how to get pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes:

  • Repair your fallopian tube with advanced microsurgery
  • In vitro fertilization 

Here are few simple steps to follow if you want to conceive with a blocked or damaged fallopian tube.

Step 1: You need to understand why fallopian tubes are so imperative in getting pregnant

Step 2: You need to know how fallopian tubes can be damaged or blocked 

Step 3: You need to contact a fertility expert clinic

Step 4: Attend your consultation with an IVF specialist and discuss your options

Step 5: Determine if and to what extent your fallopian tubes are damaged or blocked

Step 6: Choose your treatment

Step 7: Complete your treatment

Now you are ready to conceive and build a healthy family


The fallopian tubes are muscular tubes, present one on each side of the uterus. In some cases, an obstruction prevents the egg to travel to the tube; this is known as a blocked fallopian tube. The Tubal blockage is one of the most common causes of infertility. There are several treatment options available to conceive with a blocked fallopian tube. You can choose any option as per your doctor’s suggestion and get pregnant. Some people even experienced miracle pregnancy with blocked fallopian tubes. 


Can you get pregnant without opting for any treatment with blocked fallopian tubes?

If one fallopian tube is blocked it is possible to get pregnant without any treatment as the egg can travel through the other tube since there are two ovaries. Well, if both the tubes are completely blocked then it won’t be possible to get pregnant without seeking any medical help until one or both the tubes are unblocked.

What are the signs of blocked fallopian tubes?

Often there are no symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes. Most of the women don’t know that they have blocked fallopian tubes until they try to conceive and face trouble. In some of the cases, women with blocked fallopian tubes face mild, regular pain on the left side of the abdomen. It usually happens in a type of blockage known as hydrosalpinx.

Can you still ovulate with blocked fallopian tubes?

If only one fallopian tube is blocked, the obstruction will most likely not affect fertility because the egg can still travel to the uterus through other tubes. In this type of case, the doctor will recommend fertility medicines to enhance the chances of ovulating on the unaffected side.

Can ultrasound detect blocked fallopian tubes?

Ultrasound cannot diagnose Blocked fallopian tubes but with the exception of hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography, it can be sometimes diagnosed. A basic ultrasound cannot evaluate the fallopian tubes.   


Speak to our infertility specialist +91 8969340069

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Sep 30, 2021

Blog Comments

  • […] Based on the types of tubal surgical procedures, it is clear there are you can get pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes by following anyone from the two ways. The first is repairing fallopian tubes via advanced microsurgery. The second is bypassing of fallopian tubes via IVF, i.e. Intro Vitro Fertilization. Regardless of the route you choose, you have to follow 7 steps to getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes.  […]

  • Thankes to Dr OSAZE, who cured my wife of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid. we got married for over eight years wthout a child of our own. because of the problem with my fallopian tubbe and fibroid, until we came in conntact with Dr OSAZE’s testimony and recommendations online, on how he has cured and healed so many people of the same illment, and we decided to contact him, and he administered his medicatons on my wife, and she became pregnant in two monnths. incasse you wannt to reach him for a similar problem, you can call or whatsap him on +2347089275769 or email: DROSAZEHERBAL@GMAIL.COM

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