Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction is a common condition referring to the inability to get or keep the erection while intercourse which is...

What is Normal Sperm Count to Get Pregnant?
If you and your partner are trying to conceive, you must be looking for information on what is normal sperm...

Male Infertility and IVF
What do you comprehend by the term male infertility and IVF, and how can you treat your infertility? Infertility is...

What is Semen Analysis Test?
While getting the idea about what is semen analysis test, a sperm sample is checked to know the overall sperm...

How to Get Pregnant With Poor Sperm Morphology?
In today’s scenario, medical science and medicine have progressed beyond expectations. Men are usually concerned about how to get pregnant...

Sperm Motility and Fertility
Sperm motility is known as the ability of the sperm to move efficiently. Sperm motility and fertility go hand in...

Sperm Morphology
Sperm morphology refers to the shape of your sperm, or how it looks under a microscope. Specifically, it looks at...

What Is Oligospermia?
Oligospermia refers to the fertility condition in males, and it characterizes low sperm count. Sperm count at the time of...

Low Sperm Count and Pregnancy
Low sperm count refers to a condition when a man has less than 15 million sperm in one milliliter of...

Many couples around the world suffer from infertility. When discussing infertility, we often tend to forget men’s responsibility in conceiving...