Bulky Uterus
Female Infertility
Dr. Smriti
Aug 02, 2021
Almost 10% of women affected with infertility are due to bulky uterus. It can affect women of childbearing age or even women after menopause. There is no particular cause behind it. This article discusses in detail the meaning, signs, how to reduce it, treatment, and effect on fertility.
What is bulky uterus?
Uterus is a part of a female’s reproductive system. Generally, the size of the uterus is as small as the fist. In normal circumstances, it grows during pregnancy to grow and give nutrition to the fetus. But sometimes even without pregnancy, the uterus is bulky.
Why is it so? Swelling in the uterine wall causes the uterus to become bulky. This can be a serious issue. Immediate medical assistance would be required. The next section tells the signs which will indicate that you may have a bulky uterus.
What are the signs of bulky uterus?
The symptoms of bulky uterus may vary according to the cause but can include: –
- Painful periods
- Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding may cause Anemia
- Passage of blood clots during periods
- Bleeding in between periods
- Bleeding after menopause
- Abnormalities in the menstrual cycle
- Swelling and cramping in the legs
- Vaginal discharge
- Frequent and quick urge to urinate
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Feeling fullness or pressure in the lower abdomen
- Gaining weight around the lower abdomen
- Excessive hair growth
- Tenderness in breasts
- Paleness in skin
- Weakness
- Conception and pregnancy problems
Oh, there are so many signs. Don’t shy away to reach out for a doctor immediately if you see any of these symptoms.
How is it diagnosed?
A lot of times it goes unnoticed. Bulky uterus can be detected through routine gynecological exam. The doctor will analyze the signs and rule out the possibility of pregnancy. After that the doctor may recommend some of the following procedures: –
- Pelvic examination
- Transvaginal ultrasound
- CT Scan
- Ultrasound
Before proceeding with treatment, the health professional will find out the reason behind it. then only they can start the treatment according to it. So, what are the possible causes for your bulky uterus?
What are the causes of bulky uterus?
There is not a particular cause that results in this. While some are not that serious but others can require urgent treatment. There are many reasons some of which are: –
- Pregnancy– It is one of the common causes. The uterus is the place that holds and gives the growing fetus, nutrition. With the growing fetus, the size of the uterus also grows. It can happen with both normal and ectopic pregnancy.
- Uterine Fibroids– It is one of the leading causes of bulky uterus. Another word for it is leiomyomas. They are non-cancerous tumors. It is an abnormal muscular growth that develops on the wall of the uterus. Most of them are harmless but some create a swelling in the uterus which makes it bulky. It can be very dangerous depending on the size of the growth.
- Adenomyosis– The tissue that normally lines the uterus moves into the external muscle of the uterus. It acts like the endometrium and thickens the uterus. This is a common phenomenon for women above the age of 30 who have children.
- Endometrial Cancer– Uterine cancer like endometrial cancer or cervical cancer can be the reason. Endometrial cancer affects the lining of the uterus. While cervical cancer affects the lower portion of the uterus. Uterine sarcoma is also a type of uterine cancer. It is rare and affects 3% to 5% of women. It mostly affects elderly women.
- Perimenopause– In the stage before menopause women face a lot of hormonal changes. These fluctuations can cause the uterus to enlarge. This condition can be temporary up to the time of menopause. Nonetheless, in many cases, it can cause problems even after menopause.
- Hydatidiform mole– It is a molar pregnancy that becomes infeasible due to problems in the fertilization of eggs and sperm. It can cause a large uterus or irregular menstruation.
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)– It causes around 10% of women around the world. It affects the hormonal balance. This causes the lining of the uterus not to be shed during the menstrual cycle. When the lining is not shed it results in an enlarged uterus.
- Ovarian Cysts– These cysts are either solid or liquid-filled sacs that develop on or inside the ovary.
You can see that there could be some really intense root for bulky uterus. Do you know what effect it can have on your health if you don’t go for timely treatment?
What effects does bulky uterus have?
Bulky uterus has to be treated as early as possible. Otherwise, it can cause distress on the women’s body, which can include: –
- Infertility or problems in pregnancy- Bulky uterus due to adenomyosis or fibroids can cause complications in pregnancy or even miscarriage. Most of the time pregnant women with a bulky uterus have to go for cesarian surgery.
- Pain and pressure in the pelvic region- Due to the expansion of the uterus, there is pressure on the pelvic region. This can also cause severe cramps in the pelvic area.
- Prolapse- The pelvic floor muscles get weak. It causes the uterus to expand through the birth canal and dissent outside the body. Pregnancy, in such a condition, can be tricky.
- Vaginal infections- Bulky uterus due to various reasons can cause vaginal discomfort and infection.
- Excessive bleeding and pain- Uterine fibrosis and adenomyosis can cause heavy bleeding during menstruation.
- Frequent urination- Pressure on the bladder due to an enlarged uterus can result in frequent urination.
Oh! So, these are the complications you can have on your health. The next section will answer how to cure bulky uterus.
What are the treatments for bulky uterus?
The size of the uterus cannot be reduced. But the treatments can put a pause on further growth in size. Treatment or the cure for bulky uterus mainly depends on the reason. First, the cause of the problem is treated to treat the bulky uterus. Plus, the symptoms also matter. Thus, the recommended treatment as per the cause are: –
With uterine fibroids
Generally, fibroids may require only medication to slow or stop the growth of the uterus. But in severe cases, it may require surgery for its removal. Some of the therapy could be: –
Contraceptive pills that contain and intrauterine devices.
Minimal invasive procedures like hysteroscopic myomectomy, robotic myomectomy, radiofrequency ablation or uterine artery embolization.
A traditional surgical procedure like abdominal myomectomy or hysterectomy.
With adenomyosis
Similar to fibroids the pain can be managed with pain medication. Drugs like ibuprofen and contraception pills can help in easing out the pain. For controlling excessive bleeding hormone therapies are used. Sometimes it may require surgery as well.
With endometrial cancer
The treatment will depend on what stage the cancer is. It may include either one or a mixture of radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery.
With ovarian cysts
If the cystic mass is cancerous doctors may opt for removal of the uterus through hysterectomy. Other treatments could be radiation or chemotherapy. Most women prefer going for surgery when cysts are diagnosed after menopause.
The treatment is done with birth control pills. It helps regulate periods and other adverse effects of PCOS.
Bulky uterus and infertility
A bulky uterus in itself is not the cause of infertility. However, including other factors like fibroids, adenomyosis, endometrial cancer, etc. it can cause infertility. It can even make it difficult for a woman to carry a healthy pregnancy.
Sometimes the process of treatment for the cause behind it can result in the incapability of conceiving. For example: -sometimes for treating the condition, fibroids that cause bulky uterus contraception is used. Even the uterus is removed in severe cases where it might pose a threat to the health of a woman
In such cases, one can always go for Assisted Reproductive Technique (ART) like IUI, IVF treatments. Moreover, Surrogacy can also be an option. For getting pregnant with bulky uters, a woman is first treated by treating the condition and the IVF, ICSI or IUI techniques are used.
To sum it all up, a bulky uterus is an issue for many women irrespective of age. The uterus can get swelled up due to various reasons ranging from fibroids to endometrial cancer. The signs of the problem are many and could get severe if not treated on time. It may create complications in pregnancy. The treatment of bulky uterus is given as per the reason behind it.
Timely diagnosis and treatments are the key to a proper healthy body. Fertility issues can also be treated well in time. We are here to provide any kind of help you need. Just contact Fertilityzilla at contact@fertilityzilla.com or +91 8969340069. If due to any reason you are not able to conceive, you can go for surrogacy. Fertilityzilla along with IVF and other ART also provides services of egg and embryo freezing.
What causes bulky uterus in women?
Reasons behind bulky uterus can be fibroids, adenomyosis, endometrial cancer, pregnancy, PCOS, and hydatidiform mole.
What happens to a bulky uterus with fibroids?
Fibroids can be the cause of bulky uterus in many women. The severity of the problem depends on the size of the swelling of the uterus. It can cause complications if not treated in time. It includes pain and pressure in the pelvic region, infertility, problems in pregnancy, vaginal infections, or excessive bleeding and pain.
Can a bulky uterus cause heavy menstrual bleeding?
Yes. Along with heavy bleeding, there can be severe pain in the pelvic region.
How to get rid of bulky uterus?
It’s treatment depends on the reason for its occurrence. Sometimes the pain and the growth can be managed by medication. While in severe cases, it may require surgery.
Is bulky uterus a life-threatening disease?
No, it is not. However, the reasons behind it had to be treated thoroughly to avoid future health complications.
When the uterus is called a bulky uterus?
The normal size of the uterus is around 8*4*4 cm. When the size of the uterus is bigger than this then it is considered a bulky uterus.
Can a bulky uterus cause a miscarriage?
Yes, there is a possibility of miscarriage in it with fibroids. Women may face difficulties in carrying a healthy pregnancy.