
Most Fertile Time to Get Pregnant

Fertility Calculator

Dr. Smriti

Jul 28, 2021

Pregnancy is a blessing in every woman’s life. These days most women struggle to get pregnant due to age or any other fertility issue. When couples are planning to conceive they need to know the most fertile time for pregnancy.  A woman is most fertile at the time of ovulation and it usually occurs 12-14 days before the next period starts. This is considered the most favorable time to get pregnant.  


About Menstrual Cycle

On average, a woman’s menstrual cycle is between 28 to 32 days. Well, some have shorter cycles, while some have longer.

The first day of a woman’s period is considered the first day of her menstrual cycle. Her period would last for 3-7 days. 

Usually, variation in the menstrual cycle is seen in the follicular phase that occurs before ovulation.  The time between ovulation to the next period which is nearly 14 days is known as the luteal phase?  

Ovulation and Conceiving

Ovulation is the time when an egg is released from one of the ovaries. Later, the egg moves to the fallopian tube, where it is there for 24 hours or so. 

During this time if sperm travels to the fallopian tube and fertilizes the egg pregnancy happens. If case sperm does not fertilize the egg then it would travel to the uterus and breaks down and be ready to move out from the body in the next menstrual cycle.

Calculating Ovulation

As per the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, ovulation happens around 14 days prior to a person’s expectations to have her next period, if her monthly cycle is of 28 days. It is not necessary that ovulation would occur on the same day every month and can vary by a day or more. 

Doctors call this time of the cycle around ovulation a fertile window because the chance of conceiving for a woman is highest at this time. For instance, if a woman is ovulating on day 14, she can conceive on that day or within the following 24 hours. 

However, the fertile window began a few days prior to ovulation because sperm can survive inside a female body for up to 5 days. Thus, even if a woman does not have intercourse on day 14 or 15, still it is possible for her to conceive if she had unprotected intercourse on day 9 to 13. 

These finding just act as guidelines because every person and every cycle is different.

How can you track ovulation?

Most people follow the textbook rule as per which ovulation occurs 14 days after the first day of your period. But in reality cycle length varies and ovulation does not always occur at the same time each month. 

So to help yourself and know the exact ovulation date you can use an ovulation predictor kit that can give you a more accurate answer. Also, the fertile days calculator is good to know when is the best time to conceive.  Here are some tips to known when you are ovulating

  • Track your cycle: Firstly, track your cycle. Usually, ovulation starts around 14 days prior to your periods begin. Count and see when your period is expected to know when you would ovulate. If you have a cycle of 29 days then you are expected to ovulate of day 15, but if you have a longer cycle of 35 days, you would ovulate around day 21.
  • Monitor your cervical fluid: When your cervical fluid seems creamy and the color is white, this indicates that you are about to ovulate. When the texture of the fluid is slippery, stretchy, and clear, then it’s a sign that you may be ovulating.
  • Take your temperature: One of the strategies is to take your basal body temperature, which is known to be your body temperature at rest.  So you should measure it in the morning before getting up from the bed, prior to eating or doing any activity. When you are ovulating your temperature will rise a bit like about 0.5 to 1 degree Fahrenheit.
  • Ovulation predictor kit: The most accurate way to know ovulation day is with the help of an ovulation predictor kit. These kits are available over the counter at drug stores and it detect the presence of hormone that indicates ovulation

Conception may not happen right away it may take a time of 6 months to 1 year with consistent trying. If you are below 35 years, and have been trying for a year, to conceive, but not able to then, it is suggested to consult your doctor. If you are above 35 years then after trying for six years if you are not able to conceive then you should contact your doctor.

When is the best time to get pregnant?

The most fertile time for pregnancy is at the time of a woman’s fertility window. When the ovaries release egg that is the ovulation period and the egg travels down to the fallopian tube and survives for only 12-24 hours. So at this point of time, you can get pregnant easily if the egg gets fertilized with sperm. The chances are high to conceive within 24 hours of ovulation or one day prior. As sperm can be alive for 4-5 days in the reproductive tract, so it is possible to conceive if you have intercourse in these 5 days. So the fertile days after your period are the time when your ovulation starts. 

How many days after your periods can you get pregnant?

Theoretically, at any point of the menstrual cycle, you can get pregnant, especially if your cycle is irregular. This means you can conceive before, straight after, or during your menstrual cycle. A woman can get pregnant right after her period. For this to happen, you need to have intercourse at the time of ovulation. So the best time to get pregnant after your period is when you are ovulating.  

How often should you have intercourse to conceive?

Some people may think that cutting down on intercourse to save the sperm for the ovulation period will help in getting pregnant easily. But it is also necessary to understand that abstaining too much can throw off conception.  Well, holding off on intercourse can enhance sperm count but can also decrease sperm motility. If you limit your intercourse to only your ovulation period, it will be easy to miss your fertile period because numerous women believe they are ovulating when they are not. So if you are willing to conceive it is necessary to have intercourse in a regular manner to get pregnant easily.

How long should you keep sperm inside to get pregnant?

When you have intercourse when sperm is ejaculated they swim out directly into the cervical mucus besides moving to fallopian tubes. Regardless of the intercourse position, this happens in a matter of seconds. Many women believe that lying down on your back for 20 mins after having intercourse helps each sperm to reach its destination but there is no scientific proof in it. Definitely, you should relax after intercourse, but if you are short on time there is no necessity. So if you are willing to get pregnant it is the best time to get pregnant calculator.

How to maximize your fertility and chances of conception?

To maximize your fertility and chances of conception is it necessary to have regular intercourse during the fertility window and on usual days also. Intercourse during the ovulation period increases your chances of conceiving to nearly 20-30 percent. Some other tips to improve your chances are:

  • Have regular intercourse: The pregnancy rate is highest in couples who have intercourse every 2-3 in a month. 
  • Avoid smoking: Tobacco can reduce your fertility and also can impact the health of a developing fetus.
  • Limit intake of alcohol: Intake of alcohol can reduce fertility in both males and females besides harming the fetus. 
  • Maintain a normal weight: Women who are overweight or underweight are more likely to have irregular ovulation. 

The doctor assesses couple’s overall health and then suggests methods to improve the probability of conception. 

When should you see a fertility doctor?

It is always advised to wait for at least a year before seeing a fertility doctor, but in some cases, it is better to see a doctor sooner rather than later. If a woman is above 35 she is advised to see a doctor after six months of trying without success. Younger women who have irregular periods, ectopic pregnancy, history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or any health issues that may impact fertility or pregnancy should seek out specialists as soon as possible. 


These days’ getting pregnant is not an easy task due to stressful life. Thus, if you are planning to conceive it is necessary to know your most fertile time to conceive. To know your most fertile time for pregnancy you should get chances of getting pregnant calculator as it will help you to know your ovulation period, and in this way, you can conceive easily. 


How many days before fertility is peak?

Your peak days of the most fertile time for pregnancy are the days when you ovulate and five days before your ovulation. Nearly, for the average woman, these days are 10-17 of her 28 days cycle, with day 1 being the starting of your period.

Can you feel pregnant after 2 days?

Many women experience common early pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, tender breast, and sensitivity to smell, fatigue, or bloating within few days of conception or about a week and a half before your periods start.

How can you tell if you are ovulating?

Usually, ovulation starts around 10 to 16 days before your period starts. So if you have a regular cycle you may be able to make out when is your ovulation time. 

Is being fertile the best time to get pregnant?

Technically pregnancy is possible if you have intercourse five days before ovulation. But the most fertile time for pregnancy is considered as 3 days before ovulation having intercourse during this time gives you the best chance to get pregnant.



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